Burgerhout is a brand of M&G Group

    Roof- and Wallterminals

    Where terminals are concerned, you want the best price-quality ratio. Burgerhout offers you the best solution! You will undoubtedly find what you are looking for in our extensive range of roof and wall terminals. Trust the top quality we offer you!



    Are you looking for the best solution? Burgerhout has the best price/quality ratio for you. For the convenience, choose the same type of material for flue gas exhaust and air supply!

    Flexible flues

    If you need a flexible flue, Burgerhout is the right place for you. As always, we offer you plenty of choice and the best price/quality ratio.

    Flue vent material

    Offering products in all shapes and sizes, Burgerhout is your ideal partner in aluminium and stainless steel flue materials. Whether you are looking for thick-walled aluminium, thin-walled welded aluminium, thin-walled NEN 7203, single-walled stainless steel, concentric or combined thick-walled aluminium GRS: we have plenty of choice.

    FX Easy solin de toit


    Whether it concerns pellet stoves, fireplaces, individual or collective exhaust from central heating boilers or heat plants: STAR stainless steel from Burgerhout is suitable for realising almost any flue.

    Distribution d'air


    Burgerhout’s Delta series chimneys are smart customised solutions that can be used in any situation. The modular Delta chimneys are the perfect solution for both new builds and renovations to allow all ducts to exit in one aesthetically pleasing chimney. Of course you can always count on the optimal price/quality ratio for which Burgerhout is known. Choose speed, durability and safety! 


    Of course you can also contact Burgerhout for the necessary accessories. We offer you top-quality installation materials and construction items, all at a very good price. In this way you always benefit and you offer residents the best possible materials!


    You can do anything with Burgerhout ventilation pipes. We have the right products in our range for all applications and diameters. Including all related items such as brackets, extensions, bulkheads and couplings. Trust in the ideal price/quality ratio, the speed and ease of assembly that we offer you!

    Conduit à double paroi isolé

    Conduits Ventouses

    Condensation gaz et fioul

    Basse température gaz

    Conduit à simple paroi

    Conduits Modulaires

    Basse température fioul

    Fiche de renseignements

    Conduit collectif Gaz


    Hybalans+ Calculator


    Easily, precise and quickly calculate your ventilation solutions

    make use of the fully updated and improved online Hybalans+ calculator. The new calculator is a webbased tool which means you don’t have to install updates onto your computer directly. It requires the one time creation of an account. With this account you will always have access to the latest version for your ventilation calculations.


    • The calculator shows the restrictions required to meet the needs for each space. This improves comfort, and you no longer need to adjust valves manually afterwards.
    • The ventilation needs in each space are used to calculate the capacity, so you can make the right choice for a heat recovery system or house fan.
    • You can design the entire system, including heat recovery material, vents and accessories. Both for system C and system D.
    • Calculation ready? You’ll receive a component list including article numbers for all required materials. You can order the parts directly, it’s that easy! The restrictions and connectors are also automatically included in the component list based on your calculation.
    • To ensure that all calculations and articles are correct, it is vital to always use the latest version of the Hybalans+ Calculator. Download the update now.
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